*** Secretary Grant Application Now Open ***

The Office of Catholic Elementary (OCE) is proud to provide the Secretary Grant as a resource to support our elementary school teachers who have children that attend an Archdiocesan elementary school. Please note the list below for guidelines and qualifications:

  • One parent/guardian must be employed full-time as an Archdiocesan elementary and/or early childhood school teacher at the time of submission of the application and continue to be employed in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • The parent/guardian must have been employed as a teacher in the 2022-2023 school year.  New hires employed after this school year will need to wait for the following registration year to apply.
  • The child/children must attend an Archdiocesan elementary (not early childhood) school in the 2023-2024 school year.
  • The grant is applied toward elementary school tuition and is given to the school where the child is a student.
  • The grant  is based on the number of applicants and the calculated need of each applicant, so award amounts may vary.
  • In the Spring of 2023, the principal will receive a letter confirming each family and grant amount that will be issued to the school that the student(s) attend.
  • The application process is a two-part process, as follows:
    1. Completion of the Secretary Grant Application. (This will determine the eligibility of the applicant.)
    2. Completion of the FACTS Application. (This will determine the amount of the scholarship.)

Please retain a copy of your confirmation for each application filed, as proof of registration that will be required in the event that we have no proof of registration.

The deadline for submitting the application January 31, 2023. No applications will be accepted after this point. OCE is working to streamline the Secretary Grant process, as we understand that it has been confusing in the past. As we move forward, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Catherine Jennings.