Middle States Team Visit Protocal

All questions regarding Middle States Accreditation & Blue Ribbon can be referred to:
Sister Edward Quinn, Asst. Superintendent of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment


The Office of Catholic Education supports the Middle States Accreditation Process as a journey toward excellence for a school.  Throughout the self-study phase, the school community works assiduously to create a portrait of its present reality and a plan for its future development.  The team visit is a signature moment in the accreditation process.  Hence, attention should be given to various protocols related to the team visit.  It is our intent to offer guidelines for the team visit in schools of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Invitations to the Welcome Event and/or Colloquium

The welcome event and/or colloquium are opportunities to showcase the school to a broader public.  This very proud moment of a school’s life deserves inclusion by members of the broader community who support the school.  It is recommended that consideration be given to inviting the following representatives to either or both events.

  1. Representative(s) from the Office of Catholic Education (OCE)
    One or more members of OCE will be representatives to the welcome event and/or the colloquium.  Based upon the information received from the school, an OCE representative will be selected to attend the event(s).  Invitations should be forwarded to the Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.  Please do not forward invitations to the entire OCE staff.
  2. Representative(s) from the Religious Congregation (optional)
    This representative presently serves or has previously served the school. An invitation should be sent to the major superior and the education supervisor.
  3. Pastor(s) and Priests Connected with the School
    As the leader of the parish or regional elementary school, the pastor(s), and any other priests connected with the school, should be invited.
  4. Previous Principal(s)
    Principals who have served the school since its prior accreditation should be invited.
  5. Neighboring Elementary, Secondary, Special Education Principals
    Depending upon the nature of the welcome event, the support of neighboring principals may be a support to the school and a learning experience for them.  A colloquium should include neighboring principals as part of the audience.
  6. Administration, Faculty and Staff
    Current and significant faculty and staff, since the previous accreditation, should be invited.
  7. Representatives
    • Members of the Home/School Association Board, the Pastoral Council, Advisory Board or Board of Limited Jurisdiction, and any other significant parish group.
    • School stakeholders from the local community (i.e., religious, political, or social group leaders).

Welcome Event and/or Colloquium

At the welcome event and/or colloquium, the principal or steering committee chairperson will introduce the chairperson of the visiting team who will recognize the other members of the visiting team.

  1. Without adding great length to the welcome event and/or the colloquium, it would be appropriate to publicly acknowledge the following persons by name and title.
    • OCE Representative(s)
    • Religious Community Representative(s)
    • Pastor(s)
    • School Administrators
    • Chairperson(s) of the Steering Committee and/or Internal Coordinator
  2. Recognition should be given to previous principal(s), neighboring principal(s), faculty, staff, and representatives from the Home/School Association, Pastoral Council, Advisory Board or Board of Limited Jurisdiction, and other significant groups that are present.
  3. Planned Seating
    • Members of the visiting team should be seated at different tables at dinner or in the first of the reserved rows at any presentation, surrounded by a mix of guests from each of the significant groups named above.
    • The first table at dinner or in the first row at a presentation should be the chairperson of the visiting team, the pastor(s), the school administrators, an OCE representative, and the chairperson of the steering committee and/or internal coordinator.

Self-Study Document or Project Proposal

Much time and effort are expended in the creation of the self-study document or the project proposal.  A complete copy of the work should be presented to the following persons.  An electronic copy of the document is acceptable.

  1. Chairperson of the visiting team at the time of the pre-visit.
  2. Members of the visiting team at least three weeks before the team visit.
  3. Office of Catholic Education, sent to the Asst. Superintendent of Elementary Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment.
  4. A representative from the religious community, if one is connected with the school.
  5. Pastor(s)
  6. Members of the administration, faculty and staff.
  7. Head of the Home-School Association, Pastoral Council, Advisory Board or Board of Limited Jurisdiction, and any other significant group connected with the school.
  8. Members of the steering Committee/Planning Committee.