CAR Has Come to Pres!

Presentation BVM - CAR

Presentation BVM – CAR


CAR (which stands for Creative Arts Rotation) is a new piece in the curriculum at Presentation BVM School. The inspiration for CAR came from the students! The teachers knew that the students wanted to participate in more after school activities but due to outside commitments and lack of transportation, were not able to.

After some brainstorming, the teachers came up with the CAR initiative. CAR allows every student at Pres to participate in these after school activities, but during school hours! For one hour every Friday, students throughout the building can be seen baking, learning life skills, creating various art projects, participating in Book Club, and more! Each trimester the students will begin a new CAR program which ensures that they will be able to get as many new and enriching experiences as possible.

We are looking forward to tackling this new adventure this year and hope the students love it as much as the teachers do!