Act 48 - Handbook and Guideline /documents/2024/6/act_48_guidelines__handbook_2019-2022___2.pdf
Introduction | Professional Development Provider |
Continuing Professional Education (College) Credit Courses | Subcontracting by Approved Providers | Act 45 | Professional Education Criteria | Professional Development Criteria
Goals | Ineligible Professional Education Activities
Pre-Act 48 Program | Day of 48 Program | After Act 48 Program | PDE Act 48 Credit Check
Professional Development Provider
Continuing Professional Education Credit Courses
(College Credits)
Continuing education courses may count towards an educator’s Act 48 requirements only if
Application for college credits received through colleges in Pennsylvania must be processed through the college.
We are not able to submit credit for colleges or other outside agencies.
Subcontracting by Approved Providers
When any administrators who hold PA administrative certificates begin their next five year period toward keeping their certificates active, they must all be Act 45 hours. This means they must be in line with our Act 45 plans and respond to the criteria in the PA Inspired Leadership. All of their workshops need to be geared toward the administrator’s role and not the teaching role. If they have a teaching certificate as well, complying with Act 45 will keep both certificates active.
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION CRITERIA – Based on Needs, Content and Process |
Professional development decisions are based on Student Data: Terra Nova, Beacon, Scantron, PSAT, or SAT results. Dis-aggregated student data is used to determine educators’ learning priorities. This data is evaluated to show its impact on teaching practice and student learning. Follow-up activities are essential. |
Professional Development Activities should have content that will focus on increased student learning for each group as follows: Teachers, Guidance Counselors and Educational Specialists
School and District Administrators
Prior year is evaluated annually by reviewing:
The OCE professional development criteria has clear objectives focused on student-based outcomes and is based on principles of adult learning theory.
Our activities:
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment |
Goals |
By the year 2022:
Acceptable Activities: |
Unacceptable Activities: |
Book clubs Technology Integration |
Goal |
By the year 2022, various forms of technology will be used as instructional tools in 100% of our classrooms. |
Acceptable Activities: |
Unacceptable Activities: |
Special Education |
Goal |
By the year 2022, the instructional needs of special education students as well as those of struggling and gifted learners in the regular education classroom will be better met through a clearer understanding by teachers of the appropriate pedagogical strategies best suited for this population of students. |
Acceptable Activities |
Teachers, administrators and other educators will learn to identify the characteristics of special needs students. Teachers, administrators and other educators will learn to interpret the data used to identify special needs students. Teachers, administrators and other educators will learn to develop appropriate accommodation plans for special needs students Teachers and administrators, at all levels, will be able to identify students in need of either remedial or gifted educational services and will learn instructional and assessment strategies to use with these students. They will be better able to use data and checklists based on research to identify students in need of further testing for remedial or gifted services. |
Unacceptable Activities |
Educational Psychological Evaluation interpretation and writing of Individual Education Plans outside of a professional development workshop on use of the data to drive instruction. Middle States visits to a school for special needs. |
Safe Schools Environment: |
Goal |
All school personnel will recognize the qualities of a safe environment for students, will apply safe school practices in all situations and be prepared to handle a crisis |
Acceptable Activities |
Educators will obtain the skills related to safe school initiatives with students, staff, and the community. Included in this goal will be peaceful classroom training as well as training on Safe and Drug-free schools. Teachers and administrators with be provided the tools and strategies which will enable them to deal with issues related to a Safe School Environment. In order to conduct a classroom in keeping with Safe Environment Standards, participants will learn how to plan for a variety of scenarios that will require them to strategize for the most effective learning environment under adverse circumstances. In addition, participants will learn strategies for daily best practice of an orderly, well organized learning environment to maximize learning The participants will be able to asset a situation for its nature and risk of harm to the school community, they will then learn appropriate techniques to respond to the crisis, including after care for the members of the community Participants will be able to identify when an intervention is necessary and to learn and practice various health interventions on practice materials, such as AED, Resuscitation dummies, practice Epi-pens, etc. Participants will be able to assess and create crisis intervention plans. in the event of a perceived threat, participants will be able to identify the threat and response with a suitable plan of action, such as run, hide, fight. School personnel will become more aware of the four foci of crisis management: Mitigation/Prevention addresses what schools and districts can do to reduce or eliminate risk to life and property. Preparedness focuses on the process of planning for the worst-case scenario. Response is devoted to the steps to take during a crisis. Recovery deals with how to restore the learning and teaching environment after a crisis. |
Unacceptable Activities |
Participants will read a book on school safety and share the concepts. Participants will take a trip to the local police department |
Strategic Leadership: |
Goal: |
By the year 2022, 85% of educators in Archdiocesan schools will have had the opportunity to serve in a leadership capacity as verified by the annual school report. |
Acceptable Activities: |
Participants will identify and apply leadership styles to their current role. Participants will learn how to assess a classroom learning environment and then work with the classroom teacher to identify areas for growth in the delivery of instruction. The participants will learn coaching techniques, reflective practice strategies, and appropriate methods of delivering interventions when necessary. Participants will learn the roles and responsibilities of leadership as related to their area of assignment. Participants will be able, depending on their role in the school community, employ the laws that affect the delivery of instruction and assessment. Participants will be able to apply the Educational Acts affecting the delivery of instruction, including laws surrounding hiring, clearances and also the rights of the student, including but not limited to those with identified learning needs. Participants will become increasingly aware of the state and local laws affecting education and day-to-day operations of the school. Participants will learn of the effect of the change process in the learning environment. |
Unacceptable Activities: |
Ineligible Professional Education Activities:
We are not able to provide Act 48 credit for any of the following:
School/Group Request Act 48 Professional Education Hours
At least two business days prior to the Act 48 program, all participants must be registered on Professional Development Online Reporting System in order to receive Act 48 credit.
Official attendance sheets will be e-mailed to the contact person one day prior to the program. Do not alter or add to these sheets. Altering or adding to these sheets will render them invalid.
On the day of the Act 48 Program
After the Act 48 Program
Checking your Act 48 Credit on PDE